Friday, August 24, 2007

The Blog - 2nd Edition!

WOW, my gosh in only a few days alot has happened! Jackson has/is cutting his first tooth! i was very shocked to have my lil man sitting next to me on the couch and i saw something white in his mouth - i cried!! he CANT be growing up this fast!! He'll have a toothy grin in no time!!

We cant leave the lil man alone on the floor any more either, he rolls from back to front with out fail each time you put him down - which is fantastic, accept he gets tired and cant roll back, so you roll him back to his back and he rolls back to his front! it is TOOOO CUTE!! The little monkey, he is just fantastic!! Growing in leaps and bounds!

Our visit with the Maternal Child Health Nurse was great - here are his stats:

Head Circ: 43.9cm
Length: 68.7
Weight: are you ready for this.........................................8.2 kilos!!

We are very very proud, he is in the 97th percentile for most things (those percentiles are ancient any way) but we are still amazed at how much he has grown!

In length, he has grown 6.5 cm in 8 weeks and in weight almost 3.5 kilos.

Dylan and i are great, we are having some friends over for a bbq saturday night, so we are looking forward to that!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Love Colly


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Blog - 1st Edition!

Well we had our first roll over last night, Jackson rolled over from back to front 4 times! and again this morning!! very very exciting, our little man is growing up!! Lucky dyl got to see it, we were cheering him on - so cute!!

Jacks four months old this friday and we are having so much fun with him, he is a really good baby, we cant imagine life without him. We have an appointment with the Maternal Child and Health nurse tomorrow, so will update you with his stats tomorrow!

Dyl bought a new car - a toyota hilux - he flew to newcastle on saturday to pick it up - he is very happy with it.

I started working from home a couple of weeks ago, i did 6 hours last week and im finding it really good - loving the extra money.

On another note - Bradley and Haley had a new baby girl on Sunday afternoon - Josephine Charlotte Audry - 8 pounds 7 oz, she is divine!

Hope you are all well!

Love Colly
